Thickness Profile Scanners

Analysisand statistics
AAGC performs real-time identification of possible unusual data and identifies relationships between variables that may have been caused and evaluates the impact on the overall process outcome. Our AAGC solution (which collects high-speed data from sensors) is able to discover groups or "families" that are in one way or another "similar" to each other, generalizing the known structure to predict the following process pre-sets in order to minimize unwanted behaviour due to known errors.
vibration and thickness

We'rethe thickness specialists
The main steel, aluminium, brass and copper producers and processors know us for our in-line thickness control solutions. For decades our solutions have contributed to obtaining excellent control on flat rolled products produced by the world's major industrial groups. The experience acquired during the years in countless applications and basically on every type of existing production line has allowed us to obtain a level of technical excellence combined with responsible, available and dynamic support.
We truly believe that our solutions will help our customers produce more and better. Our control solutions, such as thickness gauges, coating gauges, width gauges are able to improve the quality of production starting from the first step.
An autonomous thickness control does not automatically lead to effective quality control. The thickness consistency during the manufacturing process of a flat product has a large impact on the properties of the final material. The quality of thickness control is directly proportional to the quality of the final product, but there are many more variables involved in the process. Measuring a variable is not sufficient to control the overall quality of the final product if this variable does not have cross-references with others.
Advancedautomatic gauge control
The advanced automatic control solution is the result of 30 years of experience in controlling different kind of process lines: it takes his footsteps in standard AI procedures combined to big data acquisition:
collect high-speed data from the field during measurement
discover groups or families that are similar in one way or another
predict the following process pre-sets in order to minimize unwanted behaviour due to known errors
Our main goal is to help our Customers produce better, faster and for less by helping to identify possible bottlenecks in the process. Simply put, our solutions can cross-check, compare and provide predictive suggestions and statistics on post-processing reports to get the best out of your production line.
Crown, wedge
edge drops

Helpingto produce
better, faster, safer.
We are specialists in thickness control, online and no contact directly during the manufacturing process. Today we offer the most reliable and modern thickness control solutions designed to work, no stops, in harsh environment using X-Rays and laser technologies. Our solutions have always been used as an optimal tool to obtain the required thickness from hot and cold rolling processes, providing a precise and stable signal to automatic gauge control systems. In parallel on reworking and finishing lines, our systems perform the function of monitoring the thickness of the finished product, providing processing reports and storing important information on the product leaving the production plant to be delivered or further processed.
We deal with the control and optimization of production processes, mainly in the metalworking sectors on steel, aluminium, brass and copper, as well as plastic, rubber and ceramic. Our process optimization starts from the measurement of the process variables involved in the process. We provide ready to use solutions for thickness, width, flatness, profile, shape and position. Optimization concerns the process in all its aspects, from the point of view of operating procedures, suitable tools, online controls, automation up to the identification of alternative and more performant spare parts and consumables: all those aspects together contribute to produce better, safer and faster.
Our strength is the knowledge of the production process combined with continuous research and development of solutions based on the most reliable and modern technologies: our results are objective and measurable and greatly help to optimize the production processes. We have always been a dynamic and flexible but highly specialized technical reality. Unlike many others, we don't do everything but we focus on doing well what we know how to do. Our current level of excellence has been achieved over the years thanks to hundreds of applications on as many production lines and thanks to our present and past Customers that allowed us to reach it.
Thickness as
the key to quality
In-line and non-contact thickness control is a key element for the quality of the final product. Density based systems still represent today the only reliable solution for harsh processes, complex lines and critical environments. Alternative, such as Optical or PEC systems, may constituite an economic alternative only for clean process lines, on non-reflective surfaces or in very special cases where there are no big criticalities. The same non-contact technology offered lends itself to detecting not only the thickness, but the continuity and density itself. It is therefore able to compare densities and thicknesses even without quantifying them. In some conditions, a laser measurement by triangulation can be very useful to provide, at a steady line, a data with an accuracy, albeit not micrometric, as absolute preset value of the X-ray system. The latter is just an example of how we combine different technologies into integrated systems to perform advanced functions. The ultimate goal is not only to provide a datum of the thickness measurement in a given point or surface, but to use numbers to optimize the process.
Ready to use
- Hot rolling mills
- Plate mills and casting lines
- Hot strip mills
- Cold mills
- Tandem e reversing mills
- Z-mills
- Metal ribbon
- Slitting / cut to length
- Pickling / recoiling / skin-pass
- Electrolytic tinning line
- Thickness
- Thickness Profile
- Coating thickness
- Thin films thickness
- Thickness edges drop
- Crown and Wedge
- Quality index
- Over / under tolerances
- Cut feedback
- Automatic thickness control
Automatic gauge control on multiple stands tandem mill
Automatic gauge control on reversing for steel
Automatic gauge control on aluminum foil mill
Automatic Gauge control
Our solutions find their natural application as ideal input for automatic gauge control systems. With our solutions we contributed to produce better, faster and safer for over 30 years.
While remaining specialists in the field of systems for harsh environments and critical applications such as hot and cold rolling processes (Hot Strip Mill, Tandem and Temper) in which our systems control the process online to guarantee the output thickness, in parallel we deal with systems that measure the thickness on finishing lines such as annealing, electrolytic, skin pass, recoiler. At the same time we have solutions for cutting and slitting lines in which in some case we use different and less demanding technologies to provide the suitable thickness output.
Our solutions cover thickness ranges ranging from aluminium foil with 7 microns target up to over 150 mm of hot steel, combining multiple technologies where necessary and guaranteeing accuracy, precision, robustness, reduced maintenance and ease of intervention. We offer a complete range of solutions for a 360° control for any gauging need.